Tune in to another frequency

Change how you engage work, relationships, and community

We do not believe in magical pills and self-help delusions. We believe in awakened awareness, generated in the right-hemisphere of your brain.

Lasting change is the result of discipline, effort, and psycho-somatic training. We provide the content, tools, and support to ensure you become the change you desire.

Turn on your awakened awareness

Live with wisdom, love and peace (naturally)

You will experience - often for the first time - a direct connection to the world around you, creating a clear vision of how to live with meaning, contentment, and purpose.

Our programs guide you, step-by-step, through the multiple stages of awakening, physically and mentally. If you provide the effort and discipline, our programs will deliver on these admittedly lofty claims.

More than anything else, our programs provide experiential confirmation of the benefits to living beyond an atomized vision of individual identity.

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